Lowbrow Big Eyed Sixties Mod Girl and her Fantasy world
This is the biggest piece that I have drawn that is still availabe. It takes so long to put in all the detail for thease pieces that I currently have three started but not finnished.

This is the original but I also have it available as a limited edition print.
My main inspiration for these pieces is all the art from magazines like juxtapose and Hi fructose that I grew up with.
Allot of my Family, Friends, and Fans think that I am the Mod girl, especially in this piece, because I paint and draw so many of them. Also because the worlds that I create around her are the worlds in my head, if you want to be technical about it. I wish I saw this stuff circling around me in real life.
I use Pencil crayon to create this one. I am probably giving away secrets each time I do this but I love learning new things about art techniques and wish I could of gone strait to doing it right the first time on allot of pieces that could of been great but came out as experimental duds.
So basically there are two techniques used hear :
1. if you look at the tree just off center you will see that it contains allot of color. I did this by faintly using five different colors, then layering over with a dark green at the bottom and a light green at the top of each section, shading from dark, at the edges, to light as I moved in. This technique is only used hear so that the tree stands out.
2. in the rest of the piece, lets use the mod girls hair as an example, I start by faintly using the color I want to fill that space, then I use black to go around the edge to shad from dark to light, finally I go over this very thickly with the started color.
Thank you for looking and please pop by to my shop for more works of art that are a little bit different.
Also I would really appreciate it if you could like me on Facebook :-)